What to Look for When Getting a Student Credit Card
If you are a college student, there are chances that you have been offered a student credit card many times. A student credit card can be a great thing to have at this point in your life. It will give you a sense of freedom that will make you responsible over time.
A student credit card helps build a credit history that is required for a comfortable life, with easy loans in the future. But it all depends on how well you use your credit card because it isn’t difficult to go in the opposite direction and mess up your finances with a student credit card.

Choosing the right credit card
There a number of options for student credit cards. You have to choose a card based on the reputation of the bank and the type of perks you are being offered. Also, consider some technical facts like interest-free period offered by the bank and the APR. You also need to ask about the card fee and the applicable charges for late payment.
Lower credit limit
A student credit card offers a lower credit limit as compared to other standard credit cards.
Payment protection
Credit card payments are covered by payment protection cover. This means, if you buy something on your credit card and it comes out to be faulty; you can get your money back. This point is important because most students are ignorant of the fact and end up losing a lot of money on bad deals. This facility is applicable for a fixed amount of purchases.
ATM withdrawals
A credit card lets you make ATM withdrawals when you are in need for cash. However, avoid this unless there is an emergency. A cash withdrawal on your credit card is known as a cash advance loan and this loan comes with a high interest rate, which needs to be paid fully with the amount withdrawn as soon as possible. Also, a cash advance loan reflects badly on your credit history. So, you must avoid the same.
Credit score
A student credit card is your chance to build a better credit history for your future. So, use it responsibly and make calculated decisions that will help you manage to the credit on your card.
Using your credit card in the right way will help you have maximum fun on campus while securing your financial future with a good credit card.