What Are the Benefits of Medicare
Medicare is a national health insurance plan in the country specially designed for people aged 65 years and above. It also covers people under this age if they have the last-stage renal disease or certain disabilities. It is classified into two parts: hospital insurance, which is Part A and medical insurance, which is Part B.
There are multiple benefits that you will receive under this government-sponsored program. To know what Medicare covers, read on.
Part A
This part of the Medicare consists of benefits related to hospitalization. When your doctor asks you to get admitted to a hospital for treatment, it’s crucial that you know exactly what benefits you can opt for.

Part B
This part consists of benefits related to medical services and visits to the doctor.
Please note this is not a complete list. There may be certain services, which you may avail of under Part A, Part B, or both. Cataract surgery, for example, can be considered an inpatient or outpatient surgery depending on the case.
Part C
This part is termed as Medicare Advantage. This type of plan covers some of the things that the above two parts don’t. This is available at private insurance providers, who are approved by Medicare. The added benefits may range from dental to vision services. The availability, as well as the cost, will differ for such plans, and you will have to continue with your Part B premiums even when you have opted for an Advantage plan.
Keep in mind the drug coverage under Part A and Part B is limited to the medications you take as an outpatient or inpatient. The medicines you administer at home typically won’t be covered by Medicare. If you want to be covered for prescription medication, you need to opt for Part D, which you can avail of from private insurance companies that are Medicare approved.