Various types of placemats
Placemats are traditionally used to protect the table’s surface from damages. Tables get damaged by hot pans or pot, sharp or heavy object. Made of plastic, cloth or paper, placemats can be used in a restaurant or at home.
Let us take a look at different types of placemats for various places!
The placemats that people use in their home are usually made from cloth or vinyl. They are used not only to protect tables but as a decor item as well to add a nice touch to the ambiance of the room. Cloth placemats with lace or ruffles offer a dainty and elegant look.

Most restaurants make use of printed paper placemats on the tables. These placemats may have an advertisement, inspiring stories, history of the restaurant or the kind of food served, mazes, connect-the-dot games, circle-the-word puzzle, crossword, etc. for both kids and adult. Printed placemats with interactive options come with pens or crayons that keep the customer’s wait for food worthwhile.
Schools are seen using a new kind of placemats to make students concentrate on their studies.
The ongoing trend
There is a new kind of placemats available on the market these days. These placemats are made of vinyl and cloth with Velcro closure. The Velcro closure helps people to wrap up sandwiches and snack in it. The mat is folded to make a pouch with the help of Velcro closure. The wrapper becomes a placemat when the food is unwrapped. This is a reusable, washable and environment-friendly product.