Top Foods That Promote Sleep In Insomnia Patients
People suffering from insomnia normally have trouble falling asleep or maintaining a good sleep cycle. One can either have acute (short term) or chronic (long term) insomnia. And the severity of the symptoms and problems associated with sleeping will vary depending on the triggers. Insomnia can either be a result of poor sleeping and eating habits or may even stem from depression or anxiety.
Although there’s no cure for insomnia, you can make a few changes in your diet and include foods that promote better sleep. Have a look.
Milk or yogurt
A glass of warm milk before bed promotes sound sleep.

Although it may not be the preferred choice, chamomile tea can help you get a good night’s sleep.
Include more chicken and turkey in your diet as they are rich in amino acids called tryptophans. You already know that serotonin and melatonin are the major hormones that regulate sleep in the body. Serotonin helps the body relax while melatonin regulates the sleep cycles on a daily basis. Eating foods that are rich in tryptophans also helps the body produce hormones that promote better rest. Eggs are also rich in the vital nutrient, and having them before going to bed can help you feel more sleepy and relaxed.
Almonds or almond milk
Almonds are great sources of natural nutrients and compounds that induce sleep and tackle insomnia. In fact, a single ounce serving of almonds contains essentials like melatonin, magnesium, and calcium. Melatonin helps the body regulate sleep cycles while magnesium and calcium help relax the muscles and promote sleep. You can have a handful of almonds every day or alternatively switch to almond milk in place of regular milk. These nuts are also excellent sources of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
You can make fresh cherry juice or prepare a filling for pies using this nutritious and versatile fruit. These stone fruits vary in color and flavor depending on whether they belong to the sweet, tart, or sour variety. It is loaded with tryptophan, and we have already established how vital the natural compound is for promoting sleep. If you plan to have cherry juice, doctors recommend no more than two glasses a day. Research suggests that older adults who had two full glasses of fresh cherry juice a day increased their sleep duration by more than an hour.
Fruits and vegetables
Supplement your daily diet with nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. Kale is a rich source of calcium that promotes the production of sleep-inducing hormones. It is a leafy green that you must absolutely incorporate in your diet. Kiwifruit is also loaded with potassium, magnesium, calcium, and melatonin among essential nutrients to help tackle the effects of insomnia. Studies show that kiwi fruit improves sleep time and efficiency. Also, bananas are a great and affordable alternative that contains natural sedatives to promote sleep.
Now that you have a fair idea of the best foods and beverages for inducing sleep, it is also important to make a few lifestyle changes to supplement the new diet. You can counter the effects of insomnia and relate sleep disorders better with the following practices.
- Avoid caffeine of coffee products before going to bed. Their active stimulants will be counterproductive for the new diet.
- Control the consumption of or avoiding spicy and rich foods made with processed fats. Choose whole-grain alternatives that are rich in fiber and healthy fats, omega 3 fatty acids.
- Staying hydrated throughout the day and ensure you also have a glass of water before going to sleep. Thus, you avoid getting up in the middle of the night to quench your thirst interrupting REM sleep.
- Eating at regular intervals to ensure the body continuously gets nutrition. Also, you must have your meal a good 2-3 hours before bedtime.
- Exercise on a regular basis to stay active during the day and supplement the same with a good night’s sleep. Exercising also helps release endorphins (happy hormones) to promote a better and positive outlook to battle depression and anxiety that may cause insomnia.