Tips to get apartments for under $400
House hunting is one of the activities that not many of us enjoy, in fact it is a tiresome job to go through he same drill over and move when you move to a new city. Good apartments are hard to come by and cheaper ones are even more difficult to get if you are not willing to compromise.
Trying to get the best of both worlds, as in getting an apartment for cheap rent and also being the best investment you ever made. Here are a few tips to find out how you can get apartments for cheap rents and rentals which are available for listing of less than 400.

New buildings v/s old buildings: Condos and apartments in new buildings will be relatively low priced as compared to older buildings since the constructions is new. Newer constructions will price will be competitive to increase the number of sales firstly, which will in turn affect the rent at which the flats will be priced.
Be flexible: Having room for flexibility will help you narrow down apartments form a number of choices. Flexibility in terms of size, space, furnishing and even total occupancy, which are all factors that affect the cost. If you are willing to share the apartment with someone, this will save you a lot on the costs that you will incur to pay rent and maintain the apartment.
Expand your search: Location makes all the difference. Properties which are located in prime properties are always priced high, as compared to taking up properties in the suburbs or even downtown far from the city. Granted you will be spending a lot of time in the commute but you can easily get a number of apartments under $400 if you decide to move away from the city and find a place.
The right time to look for an apartment: Normally you would have to look for a place when you first move to any city, but there are sometimes to look for an apartment when the prices will be competitive and also you can get good deals within the city itself. Owners tend to time their listings based on a number of factors which ultimately influence the rent.
Of course, there are many other formalities which need to be done before you can actually move in someplace, but they are secondary unless and until you find a decent place to move.