Tips for Choosing Anti-Aging Skin Moisturizers
Every person, be it a man or a woman, is anxious about aging. With age, the inevitable process of our skin losing its glow and youthful suppleness begins. Moisturizers are a good way to prevent the skin from drying and will also help you look fresh and glowing. Moisturizers are a combination of certain agents that help the face look softer and pliable. They hydrate the external layers (epidermis) of the skin. They also help in reducing evaporation thereby preventing any loss of water from the skin. Naturally-occurring creams, as well as natural or artificial oils and the like, are commercially marketed moisturizers.

When choosing the right anti-aging skin moisturizers, some pointers should be kept in mind. To help you make a better decision, the following are few tips for choosing the right anti-aging skin moisturizer.
- Use a moisturizer that is well-suited for your age and skin type. Skin moisturizers generally help in regenerating your lost glow, but there ought to be a specific formulation that suits you best. Anti-aging skin moisturizers, that are infused with active ingredients that help reduce fine lines and other signs of aging, are also highly recommended.
The kind of skin moisturizers you use also depends on your type of skin. Below is a list of different type of skins and the chemical content of the moisturizers to be used:
Dry skin
The most suitable moisturizers for dryness are heavier, oil-based moisturizers that contain ingredients such as antioxidants and grape seed oil. For highly dry and cracking skin, petroleum jelly-based products are usually prescribed by the doctors, as they are longer-lasting than creams and are more effective in preventing water evaporation from the skin.
Oily skin
For oily skin, moisturizers are found to be useful for activities causing skin dryness, such as the use of skin care products and washing. It is ironical that for oily skin something moisturizing is used, but still, it is clinically proved. For oily skin, water-based moisturizers that are specifically non-comedogenic are preferred, as there is less risk of comedo formation, and hence prevention of oily skin is made possible.
Wrinkled skin
Skin moisturizers that keep the skin well hydrated and softer in case of wrinkled skin include the ones that contain petroleum jelly as the base along with antioxidants. They act as the best agents to relieve you of unwanted wrinkles.
Sensitive skin
On sensitive skin (which might be susceptible to skin irritations, redness, itching, or rashes), it is advisable to use skin moisturizers which contain soothing and refreshing ingredients such as chamomile or aloe. These ingredients help soothe sensitive skin and help bring a radiance to it.
Ensure to buy it from a well-known brand and not from any local one, as it is a matter of the skin. Do check the ingredients mentioned in its pack and compare it with the criterion which is given above. It will be useful only after you know what kind of skin you have.