Things you must know about high-efficiency detergents
When it comes to high-efficiency detergents, there is a great deal of confusion regarding the product. High Efficiency or HE laundry detergents are built for high-efficiency washing machines which utilize less amount of water than the regular machines. These washers are horizontal-axis washing machines (front loaders), and they use one-third to two-thirds less quantity of water than those of the ordinary vertical-axis washers (top loaders) which means regular detergents do not work or dissolve smoothly or leave the residue of soaps in garments.
While many people wonder if high-efficiency detergents are of any utility, the truth is that these are particularly effective.

People may get confused if they can use high-efficiency detergents in regular washers or not. The truth is that you can use high-efficiency detergents in regular or top-loader washers but not the other way around. The high-efficiency detergents have the same cleaning ingredients like enzymes, water conditioners or surfactants. The only difference in high-efficiency detergents is that these are formulated to cause low-sudsing in case of high-efficiency energy efficient washers which use less water for their cleaning and rinsing cycles.
While many consumers feel that they can use regular detergents in high-efficiency washers, it is, generally, not recommended to use HE detergent in non-specialized washers. As any machine that utilizes less amount of water, the washing cycles can agitate the detergent and create an overload of bubbles. This is a crucial issue that is ruled out in HE detergents. Overload of bubbles can confuse the cycles and result in delay and make washing tougher. To avoid any potential damages to your clothing or washers, it is necessary that you use detergents that are recommended for High-efficiency washers.
High-efficiency detergents are available in supermarkets or in shops where regular soaps or detergents are available. There is no difference in prices of such detergents. Quite like other products, bulk shopping can get you savings. Watch out for the ‘HE’ sign to identify the required detergent for your high-efficiency washer.
Apart from the HE washers, hybrid washers are also present in the markets which demonstrate a conventional top loading style including some with an automatic sensor to adjust water quantity for the purpose of washing. In all cases, you must pay heed to the manufacturer’s guidelines and manuals. These manuals are usually specific about the detergents and can protect the washer from getting damaged. Using improper soap or detergent can cause adverse effects on the warranty clauses and you may require immediate service.