Things to know about U-Haul truck rentals
Trucks from U-Haul, like all other types of automobiles, are registered for rental after one submits an application. The customer will generally get a call from the U-Haul rental company a day before the scheduled one about the confirmation of the U-Haul truck rental. The date, location, and the address will be confirmed along with the time. When both the rental-company executive and the customer agree, only then the registration process will be complete and the U-Haul truck will be made available on rental.
The possibility of the desired truck available could, however, arise. In such cases, the customer will be offered the option of choosing a different truck which is not of the similar type or size.

If a customer has prepaid for a U-Haul truck rental, and if the desired truck is unavailable, then the customer could be entitled to receive a compensation from the rental company. The deal between the rental agency and the customer should be confirmed prior to the date of delivery as it will help clarify any doubts.
Often, it is found that the rental trucks are not properly maintained.
The U-Haul trucks offered to the customers on rent are of different sizes and are in good condition. Customers can choose the truck depending on the purpose to be used for renting the truck. Not more than three passengers can fit inside a U-Haul truck. For customers who have larger families will have to look for other options because the truck may not be the ideal vehicle for children to travel.