The best roadside assistance covers for wheelchair vans
Suffering a breakdown due to a problem in your vehicle can be no fun. It can be more of a problem, if you are someone using a wheelchair van. However, there are roadside assistance covers available for wheelchair vans and used wheelchair vans as well. Here are some options you must however consider while opting for the right service.
Coverage : The coverage you get, depends from vehicle to vehicle. It could depend on the kind of ramp you use or it could depend on whether or not you are using your own vehicle, renting a wheelchair van or driving a used wheelchair van.

Towing : Make sure you avail of a towing service while choosing roadside assistance. This can sometimes be a deal breaker, especially for a wheelchair van user. Will they provide you with alternative transportation or tow your vehicle to a dealership or to the place of your choosing, such as a repair shop? These are the questions you need to get answers to, before signing on with a provider.
Additional Services : What are the additional services provided? Some plans offer many added services without having to pay extra for it.
Speciality : Finally, think of choosing a provider that specialises in providing roadside assistance to those with disabilities or those catering to wheelchair vans, even used ones. These might be more affordable and might meet your needs better. They may even have a better response time.
Others : Other options you need to think of before choosing the right roadside assistance for you or your relative who might be using a wheelchair is do they provide flat tire assistance, out of fuel help, lock out assistance? Do they offer battery service or ramp assistance? These are details that may not be relevant for someone else, but for someone using a wheelchair van, it may be crucial. Sometimes, a person with a disability may even need immediate medical assistance in case of a breakdown as they may be more vulnerable. All these factors need to be taken into consideration before choosing a provider.
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