Six Essentials For A Compatible Relationship
Six Essentials for a Compatible Relationship
No two people are perfect in a relationship. Romantic relationships can feel difficult sometimes no matter how dearly you love your partner. The start of a new relationship can be one of the most exciting times of your life. It’s only when you sail through a relationship long enough do you realize how compatible are you with your partner. It is important to consider the compatibility between you and your partner if you are considering to be in a long-term relationship together.
Here are some aspects that you should look for to have a compatible, easier, and less stressful relationship.

Tempo and life priorities
Discovering your personal tempo of living a life is important. Everyone has different priorities in their lives, some are laid back other’s take every life challenge to heart. Some people value work, others prefer to prioritize personal life. Hence, it is necessary to realize your own pace of life before you can find someone with a similar tempo or who can balance the same to avoid constant conflicts.
Timeliness and punctuality
Much of life priorities and life pace is decided by our timeliness and punctuality. There might be instances where your partner is not punctual enough for appointments, meetings, or something as simple as a dinner date, which can lead to constant arguments.
From sharing intimate details to embarrassing moments in one’s life, it is important to ensure that you and your partner are compatible enough to share secrets with each other. Honesty is the most fundamental aspect of a relationship and letting each other know what makes you vulnerable shows that you have truly invested in a relationship.
Money matters
This is one of the aspects that most couples argue about and it is a much larger issue in the onset of a relationship. And for some couples, it can be uncomfortable to talk about finances in the initial stages of their relationship until things start going wrong. If one is a spender and another one is a saver, then it could lead to problems in managing longtime finances. Couples who are usually on the same page in dealing with finances find it easier to manage the same compared to those with wildly divergent spending behaviors.
Physical intimacy
Incompatibility in physical intimacy is one of the reasons for discords in several long-term relationships. There are hundreds of articles that write about the importance of physical intimacy. It might be hard to gauge how sexually compatible you are with your partner at the beginning of a relationship as it is a shared enjoyment. But as you progress in your relationship it is better to gauge if both of your physical needs and desires are truly similar.
There are many people who make their relationship work even though they come from different spiritual and religious backgrounds. However, sometimes it can be a challenge, especially, if you are planning for a long-term relationship or marriage. So, it is necessary to talk about your spirituality and make sure that both, you and your partner, are okay with following your own set of beliefs and not letting them come between your relationship.
In conclusion, a couple does not have to be 100 percent compatible to make a long-term relationship work. Finding a healthy balance between your compatibilities and incompatibilities keeps you more resilient in a relationship, making you better in handling whatever life throws at you.