Popular Models of Adjustable Beds to Choose From
Adjustable beds have now become common. The added comfort and functionality are the main reasons why people go for it. Adjustable beds are no longer only meant for patients in the hospital. Adjustable beds are easy to find and extremely convenient.
Adjustable beds give you the convenience to sleep, read, and even watch a movie on your bed. What better way to use it than with a foam mattress. This will ensure you have a sound sleep.
Luxury adjustable beds are nothing like the ones you’ve been seeing in the hospitals. These are made to ensure that you get your quality rest when you need.

Finding a good adjustable bed can be a bit of a challenge. Here are few of the best adjustable beds that are popular in the market. These top-rated beds have several features that would maximize your benefits.
Leggett and Platt Prodigy
This is one of the best adjustable beds you can find on the market. Made of high quality and exciting features, this company knows exactly what you need. They have a total of 4 programming positions.
There are features that include massage, wall hugging, USB ports and even preset positions. The massages can go up to a speed of 3. Is there anything more you need from your adjustable bed?
Reverie 8Q
If you want to focus on an adjustable bed that has great massages, then this is the one to go for. It has features like tilting the foot, head, and pillow too. The speed of the massages goes up to 10, making it an all favorite. There are also several preset positions and a USB port for your convenience.
Serta Motion Custom II
This is the next model that you should look out for. If you want a simple adjustable bed accompanied by a few more features you can go for this. It has a head, foot, and pillow tilting and a massage of about 3-speed.
This is a simpler model that comes with only a head and a foot tilt. It comes with 2 programmable positions. There is also a massage feature of 3 speeds. You can use up to 8 USB ports on this adjustable bed.
Classic Brands
This is one of the bestselling ones amongst the simpler models. It has all the basic features that you will need and comes at more affordable prices too. It has a head and foot tilt along with massage of 3-speed and 2 USB ports. If you are looking to try adjustable beds for the first time you can purchase this with no second thoughts.
This is one of the first models made in adjustable beds. They have the basic features you will need for your adjustable bed. These include the head and foot tilt feature alone. If you are looking for the bare minimum, you can always go for this.
Lucid L300
Lucid L300 is another of the popular ones. Apart from the head and foot tilt, they have one programmable and one pre-set position. There are 2 USB ports available in this model.
Sealy Ease
This is the most basic model that you can find on the market. The Sealy Ease has just one preset position and only has head and foot tilting. It just fits the bill with an adjustable bed. If you are looking to make a small investment, this model will suffice.
There are several models with and without features. Once you decide on the features you would like to have in your adjustable bed, you can easily find the right one.
An adjustable bed is a long-term investment. Based on your requirements, you can go for an entry-level model like Raven or invest in Reverie 8Q. With the market filled with numerous options, you can get any model you like without any hassles.