Ingredients used in recipes for the lactose intolerant
Lactose intolerance is a essentially a deficiency of lactase, an intestinal enzyme that breaks down lactose into sugar and glucose which makes it easier for the body to absorb the enzyme further into intestines. Although genetically determined, lactose intolerance generally occurs between the ages 5 to 21. Simply put, a person who is lactose intolerant cannot process dairy products at all. Milk being the source of dairy products has lactose in abundance.
A person consuming foods that are basically made of dairy products (milk, buttermilk, butter, cream, cheese etc.) may experience abdominal pains, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea due to indigestion of lactose.

People that are lactose intolerant can still enjoy other food products which are a perfect substitute in taste for dairy products. For starters, you may take up food with ingredients that are rich in; Lactase, Lactalbumin, Lactylate, and Calcium compounds. You can indulge in your cravings of having a pizza which is made out of ingredients that are lactose-free.
Fancy a cheesecake but cannot eat it because you are lactose intolerant? Well, you get cheesecakes specially made for the lactose intolerant. The lactose-free ingredients that can be used to make the filling of the cheesecake may include, soy cream cheese, non-dairy sour cream. The crust can be made of gram cracker crumbs and margarine (with granulated sugar) which can act as good replacement of your regular butter and bread crumbs.
There are many websites online that can help you find many lactose free recipes and also suggest replaceable ingredients which can be used to make a lactose free versions of those delicacies.