How to Treat Back of Heel Pain Easily
Have you ever felt a sharp pain in the back of your heel? Maybe after a long walk or heavy exercise or standing in a queue for an extended period, you feel a strange heaviness. It is as if you have to drag your feet and with every step. Especially the backside of your heel hurts badly. If these things happen to you, then you should consider the fact that you may be a victim of back heel pain.
Back of heel pain treatment – why is it necessary?
Back of heel pain is indeed a widespread foot problem. In this type of pain, the tendon connecting to the heel bone gets affected.

Causes of back of heel pain
In maximum cases, heel pain is caused by mechanical factors. It may also be caused by arthritis, infection, a neurological problem, an autoimmune problem, trauma, or some other conditions which affect the entire body.
Proper treatment methods
With the proper back of heel pain treatment, a vast majority of patients can recover. These treatments are designed to avoid operative procedures or radical medical therapeutic measures.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for back of heel pain treatment
(NSAIDs) – Pain reducing medications like analgesic, antipyretic. They also have anti-inflammatory effects if consumed in higher doses and reduce inflammation. These types of drugs are non-narcotic which means they do not produce stupor. For patients who have plantar fasciitis, these medications are helpful for inflammation and pain.
Corticosteroids – A corticosteroid solution is applied over the area on the skin which is affected; after that, an electric current is applied to facilitate absorption. The doctor may alternatively decide to infuse the medication through injection. When NSAIDs don’t help the treatment is that Corticosteroids are usually prescribed.
Ice packs – Ice packs are indeed ideal for back of heel pain treatment. Home care such as rest, ice-pack use, proper foot supports, or fitting footwear is often sufficient to ease the backheel pain.
Physical therapy (physiotherapy) – A qualified or a specialized physiotherapist can instruct the patient with some exercises which strengthening the lower leg muscles and stretch the plantar fascia and Achilles.
Night splints – As a back of heel pain treatment, this is very useful. The splint is fitted to the calf and foot; it is during sleep the patient keeps it on. Overnight the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia are held in a lengthened position which rests the heel removing the pain.
Orthotics – Assistive devices like orthotics and Insoles can be beneficial to correct foot faults, as well as to cradle and cushion the arc during the process of healing.
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy – Sound waves are directed at the injured area to promote and incite healing. This type of treatment is only prescribed in long-term cases like chronic pain that was unresponsive to any conservative therapy.
Surgery – The plantar fascia is separated from the heel bone. This method is only approved if everything else fails to work.
Natural remedies as back of heel pain treatment
Vitamins & minerals – Some vitamins and minerals have been proven clinically to play a significant role in the health of the elements of your feet. In the case which is more severe one can resort to vitamin supplement to ensure proper doses to fight a severe health problem.
Soaks & packs – Try Epsom salts in the foot or bath soak. You can also soak a washcloth in warm linseed oil and use it to tie around the area of your heel.
Compression – Wrap an athletic tape or a bandage around your tendon to reduce the injury. This method is known as compression. You may also tie a piece of cloth around this area slightly. This will prevent the tendon from swelling much. Remember not to tie anything too tightly as it can restrict blood flow.
Elevation – In this method, it is advisable to put your foot above the level of your chest, raising it. Due to this posture as your foot is higher than your heart, blood flows back to the heart and keeps the inflammation down. Just lie down and put your feet in an elevated position.
With these back of heel pain treatments, one is sure to find relief from the backheel pain.