How to replace a social security card
The Social Security number is the single most important identification tool for individuals in the country. It is essentially a nine-digit number issued by the social security administration of the United Sates for its citizens, permanent residents, and temporary (working) residents under the Section 205(c)(2). The major purpose of this social security number is to track individuals for the purposes of social security, taxation and many more.
Did you have a misfortune of leaving your wallet at a restaurant will all of your credit cards in it as well as your social security card? It is imperative that you try and replace the social security card as soon as you can, because it is not only important for your finances and taxes, but future employers usually require to know your Social Security details as well.

– The best place is to start by calling the social security administration asking them to send you an application to replace your card or go to the social security administration website on the internet and download an online application. When you submit this application to either a social security card center or a social security local office, you are going to need the filled application along with your identification documents for the verification process of replacing your card.
– Generally, you need to gather an identity card or drivers license, proof for US citizenship or a current work authorized immigration status will work too.
– If you are a non-citizen then it is essential to submit the SSA, a letter from the federal, state or local government that explains the need for a number and requirements for the benefit.
– Complete your application form and documents and mail it to your local security office. All documents have to be original or copies validated by the issuing agent or SSA will not accept any photocopied, unauthorized documents.
– Alternatively, you can also find your social security number on the Social Security Administration website.
Your Social Security Card is very important and will be needed for a number of government-related work, your personal and even for professional and travel purposes. These include applying for a federal loan, applying for certain types of public assistance- like unemployment benefits, enrolling for Medicare, when applying for a passport, for tax purposes and to get a driver’s license. It is also linked to your retirement plan. Therefore, hang on to it tight.