How to get a personal loan with no credit check
It’s the universal truth. Bad credit means lesser chances of getting approval for a personal loan. This can pose a major obstacle especially if you need some extra cash urgently. There are various kinds of personal loans available that don’t require you to go through a credit check or a FICO score assessment. However, you will have to cover up this convenience provided by a few lenders by paying higher interest rates. Here are a few ways to get a personal loan with no credit check:
Find traditional lenders: Contact your local bank or credit union and inquire if they offer personal loans without a credit check.

Consider micro lending: Micro lending refers to loans offered by individuals to other individuals who need money. In case of micro lending, you may receive a loan from an individual or a group of individuals. By lending money to groups, lenders also tend to minimize risk.
Look at pawn shop loans: You can consider pawning some of your valuable items such as watches, jewelry, electronics or artwork in exchange for cash. The pawn shop will hold your items for a specific period until you repay your loan. If you don’t meet the deadline, they will sell them.
Take a title loan: A title loan is a loan that uses an asset as collateral in exchange for cash. In case of a vehicle title loan, you will hand over the ownership of your car to a lender temporarily, in exchange for cash.