Everything you need to know about selling your used car online
Thanks to the Internet, selling different things has become very easy and quick. You can sell a number of items online from small things like a pair of shoes to big ticket items like your old car.
Used car portals
Using the Internet for such jobs can be a bit tricky especially if you are not very Internet savvy. It is not about just posting an advertisement online but also using the right tools and platforms. Here is some information about selling used cars online that can help you through the process.
There are a number of online portals where you can post the advertisement for selling your car.

You can put up the ad for your old car on regional as well as national portals. Selling the car to someone in another state would require additional cost in terms of the logistics and is not ideal for those looking to sell the car without any hassles.
Once you have chosen what portal to sell your used car, the next step you need to do is create an advertisement that will attract the right kind of buyers. The two important elements of the advertisement are the pictures of the car and a good description. If you are choosing to post an advertisement for free used cars on any of the websites that host the ad without any charges then it is best to make complete use of it by posting a brilliant advertisement.
Make sure you put up clear pictures from different angles highlighting the features of the car. If the website allows you to add only limited photos of the free used cars , then make sure you put up the best pictures. Your description of the car should also have all the important information. When writing it think from a buyer’s perspective and include all the information you may want to know if you are a buyer.
Apart from the details of the car, don’t forget to include your contact details – your phone number and email id so that you don’t miss out any attractive offers.