Effect of hepatits c on your body
Hepatitis C also known as hep C is an infection which is caused by a virus that attacks the liver of the human beings and leads to the inflammation of the liver. The virus of is spread by the contact with blood that is previously contaminated. For example, it can spread from sharing needles, unsterile equipment used for tattooing, etc. Referring to a hep C guide will make it very clear to understand the details about the disease Hepatitis C.
Effects of Hepatitis C on the Body
It might happen in some of the cases that there are no symptoms of hepatitis C, but the individual is affected.

- The hep C virus first targets the liver and affects it. This virus causes the liver to inflame and interrupts the ability of the liver to perform some of its most vital function necessary for the body. In the case of a more severe hep C infection, it can result in severe damage to the liver, liver cancer and even a complete failure of the liver.
- As we all know that a safe and healthy liver is essential for the digestive system to perform efficiently. Thus, the hep C hinders the ability of the liver to produce bile and hence makes it very difficult to digest fat thereby affecting the digestive system as well.
Thus, it becomes essential to know the details of the causes and effects of Hep C virus by referring to above hep C guide which can prove to be beneficial in curing the disease effectively.