Easy Guide To Understand Short Term Health Insurance
Short-term health insurance is a recent type of health insurance which covers your health for a shorter time than regular health insurance plans. They are usually available for periods from a minimum of 30 days to a maximum period of 90 days. Although in certain cases for some people, it can be as long as 12 months too.
Short-term health insurance plans are usually used by people who are not on long-term insurance but are looking for options. These demographics including recently graduated students, young adults who recently became ineligible to be covered by their parents’ insurance plans and so on.

What do they cover ?
Speaking of short-term health insurance quotes, they usually have lower priced premiums and cover a limited range of health issues which may include:
- Unexpected illness or injury
- Hospital services
- Emergency room visits
It may also include discounts for availing the services of certain doctors and health facilities specified in their network. In addition to this, there are also a few more coverage and benefits that depend on the type of short-term health insurance plan you choose.
What is excluded?
Short-term health insurance usually does not cover medical services that count as diagnostic treatment or preventive check-ups, vaccinations, immunizations, health care related to pregnancy and maternity, dental health appointments, vision and foot care and similar services.
When are short-term plans needed?
As mentioned earlier in the article, while short-term insurance plans may not be all-inclusive like long-term plans are, they are specifically made that way for a reason. They cater to a specific demographic of people who are looking for temporary plans while searching for a permanent long-term plan. A short-term plan may be suitable for you if
- You lost your job and are looking for another
- Are a recent graduate looking for a job
- Are not eligible under your parents’ insurance plan anymore
That said short-term plans are not suited for people with chronic medical conditions since they cease to exist after their period is over. Be sure to check out short-term health insurance quotes before you decide something.