Domain name registration process
Once you have the desired domain name that you want for your website ready in your head, the first step is to check for its availability. If you found that the domain name that you desired is owned by somebody else, you can reach out to them and ask them if they are willing for to sell the domain name to you.
There are several types of domain names available in the market. If you are willing to pay more and need to get the access from all over the world, then “.com” is a domain that you can choose.

Once you have found that the domain name you want is indeed available for registration, the following steps are to be initiated.
– The domain name that you desire. Always remember that the domain name must be unique, short, and crisp so as to be memorable and can be remembered easily, catchy, and readable too.
– The name, phone number, address, email, and other information that is demanded.
Payment information
After you made all your payments to the registrars, your registration is considered to be done and you can host your website. Once your registration is complete, you can start using the tools they provide and can upload the content on the website on the space they provided.
Domain renewal process is to be done from time to time else your domain shall be considered as expired. Then it will go to the common domain registration pool and can be taken by anyone who intends to register. If somebody takes your domain name in such a way, then you have no other option but to purchase the domain name from him/her. This can sometimes cost you millions. So, it is very important to look after the date at which the domain expires and to re-register the domain.