Consider these points before buying a car
You cannot buy cars like you buy toasters or ovens. You will never find anybody who decides to buy a new car, walks into a dealership showroom, choose a car, swipe a credit or a debit card and drive away in less than an hour. It is not a single day affair and not it is surely not a right way to buy a car. There are a few things you should consider before picking a car that suits you best.
Create a budget for your car: The first thing that you need to do after you have decided to buy a new car for yourself is to establish a budget.

Determine your need: One you have decided on the budget, you need to decide the purpose of buying the car. Singles, who have no plans to get married simply need to buy something they can afford. Parents need something to buy that is roomy and safe.
Determine what you want: Now that you have decided the budget, what you need, you need to fix your mind on what you want. It depends on several factors such as styling, color, reliability, fuel economy, safety technology etc.
Choosing a vehicle: Conduct a research after you have decided on the budget and other factors. Some people buy a new vehicle based on their previous experiences. Some of them are brand loyalist and are used to the features and comforts provided by that brand. The ideal to choose a vehicle is as mentioned earlier, conduct a research, read forums and blogs on the Internet, talk to an automobile expert, read the reviews of the car(s) that you are interested in and narrow down your choices likewise.
Get insurance quotes and arrange your finances: Now that you have kept your finger on your pick its time to get insurance quotes and arrange for finances. Insurance companies examine many factors. Driving record is one of those key factors. If your driving record is ticket free and has no history of accidents, you will probably get a reasonable insurance quote. After you have decided to finally buy the vehicle with the insurance quote, you could as well arrange for finances in advance for your purchase.