Common Diabetes Symptoms that You Should Take Seriously
There may be various warning signs of diabetes, which you may have been ignoring till now. Knowing the common diabetes symptoms can help in early detection and treatment of the condition.
Diabetes is a serious condition, and is not to be taken lightly. If a person has diabetes, it means that his or her body is not effectively producing or using the hormone called insulin. This hormone is necessary to help the body use glucose (sugar in your blood) and clear it from the bloodstream. When this malfunctions, the glucose starts building up in your blood and can cause various health complications and diabetes symptoms.

Diabetes symptoms can vary depending on the type of diabetes (type 1 or type 2) you have. However there are some common diabetes symptoms that may be a warning sign for you to visit a doctor. Here’s a list of some diabetes symptoms that may often be subtle, but you still need to look out for. Noticing any of these diabetes symptoms as soon as they appear can help in early diagnosis of the disease and in deriving maximum benefits from the treatment.
Frequent urination and increased thirst
One of the classic diabetes symptoms, increased and frequent urination occurs because as excess amounts of glucose build up in your blood, the kidneys have to work overtime in order to filter out and absorb this sugar. When your kidneys are not able to keep up, the excess sugar in your blood gets excreted into your urine along with other bodily fluids. This causes frequent urination, and can make you dehydrated. This in turn leads to excessive thirst, and it becomes sort of a cycle. You drink lots of fluids to quench your thirst, and then have to urinate more frequently than usual.
Excessive hunger
Developing diabetes can make you hungry all the time. This happens because your body is not able to use the glucose that you have as your insulin is not functioning properly. When your cells don’t get the amount of energy that they require, it signals that it needs more energy through food, thereby causing you to feel hunger.
Sudden weight loss
The common diabetes symptoms may also include fluctuations in your weight, most commonly losing weight. When you urinate a lot, you lose not only sugar, but also calories. Your body is not making insulin, and in its effort to find another source of energy, it can break down fat and muscle tissue. Weight loss usually occurs more in people with Type 1 diabetes.
Increased fatigue
Many factors can lead to weakness and constant tiredness when you have diabetes. With the insulin malfunctioning, the glucose in your body does not reach the cells and give them energy. This can make you feel tired and listless. Also, your increased urination causes dehydration, which can contribute to your fatigue.
Blurred vision
In some cases, diabetes symptoms can affect your vision. High blood sugar levels can pull the fluid from the lenses of your eyes, and cause blurred vision. If left untreated, these changes can lead to loss of vision.
Red, swollen, or tender gums
When you have diabetes, your ability to fight germs can weaken, and this leads to an increased risk of getting infections in your gums and dental bones. If you have noticed that you have gums that are red, tender, and swollen, you may be experiencing one of the diabetes symptoms.
Sores that heal slow or frequent infections
Many people with diabetes often report that they have more frequent infections than usual, and injuries or sores are slow to heal. This may be because the high blood sugar levels in your body hamper your natural healing process and the ability to ward off infections.
Tingling and numbness in the hands and feet
Another one of the diabetes symptoms is a sensation of numbness and tingling in your body, particularly in your hands and feet. This is often owing to the excessive amounts of sugar in your body.
Irritable mood
Many people experiencing diabetes symptoms also feel more irritated and frustrated than usual, as the lack of energy can affect their mood. In addition, other diabetes symptoms such as constant fatigue and hunger contribute to people feeling annoyed.