Best Health Insurance Tips
Health Insurance is pretty much a necessity – helping you deal with all manner of unforeseen health complications. Insurance companies, in a bid to lure customers, come out with a slew of attractive offers. But there are a number of health insurance ‘secrets’ that most consumers are not privy to. Unfortunately, not knowing about something doesn’t mean that it can’t affect you. Which is why it’s important that you know about these health insurance secrets, that can have a significant impact on your coverage.
There Is Never a 100 Percent Coverage
When your insurance agent tells you that “everything is covered”, a little healthy skepticism and scrutiny of the actual plan would be a good idea.

A Hospital May Be in Network but Not the Doctors It Calls
This is one of the tricky health insurance secrets, you might never know. Your hospital and your doctor could be approved to being in-network. And the specialists, labs and tests come under out-of-network.
Be Well Aware of What Is Not Covered
One of the health insurance secrets, you may not be aware of, is the list of pre-approved services. Everybody knows that out of network treatments, over the counter drugs and elective surgeries are not covered. But there are times when certain procedures, treatments and hospital stays are also not included in the coverage and you will be asked to bear these expenses. So, be sure to know in detail, the coverage extent of your plan.
Expensive Claims Could Be Denied
Sometimes even when your insurance company is inclined to pay for your expenses, you will be denied the payment if your claim is expensive. This is one of the health insurance secrets that your insurance company will definitely not want you to know. Thus, you will end up paying those expensive bills. If you find yourself in such a situation, do demand an explanation for the specific reasons why your claim was denied.