Benefits of Honda’s customer participation programs
Honda offers the best of programs to encourage current owners and potential customers who dream of owning a brand new Honda or who would even settle for a well-maintained used Accord. Depending on the vehicle usage and its mileage, customers can very easily participate in the maintenance programs offered. Even the warranty of the car can be extended by the company after it gets expired, thereby allowing the car owners to avail the benefits from time to time.
The benefits offered to the owners depend on the condition of the vehicle and its usage. The various benefits offered are as follows:

- 24-hour roadside assistance along with the required emergency services
- Reimbursements of the car when taken on rental
- Benefits offered during long journeys or trips
- Free maintenance and repair services by the well-trained technicians having Honda certification.
- Replacements of damaged parts of the vehicle with original Honda spare parts and other components
The regular maintenance of a used Honda Accord is highly helpful in keeping the car in good condition all the time. It not only helps in getting a better mileage and the best driving experience but it also reduces unnecessary costs and unwanted expenses. The regular check-up of the cars allows the car owners to take care of their cars well.
Honda wants more people to get involved in such activities where each participant not only starts taking care of his or her car but also brings awareness among car lovers. This activity surely has a positive effect on the car owners and the cars they own.