An Effective Way to Treat Toenail Fungus – Hydrogen Peroxide
If your toenails are getting discolored or you notice yellow streaks on the toenails, then your nails might have been infected with fungi. The symptoms vary from person to person, and the causes are several as well. Sometimes this infection might cause serious damage to your foot or nails. Several home remedies, over the counter drugs, and prescribed ointments are available to treat the toenails fungus. One such remedy is the hydrogen peroxide that is very helpful for treating a toenail fungus.
Many might be unaware of the fact that they are suffering from toenail damage or fungus. How does one understand that the toenails of the feet are infected?

Causes of a toenail fungus
A toenail fungus can often hurt the toe.
People who have athlete’s foot, or have diabetes are more prone to toenail fungus. It has been analyzed that the men have a higher chance of having the fungus than women. You are more prone to having a toenail fungus if some other family member has it. Also, a weak immune system may increase your chances of having a toenail fungus.
It is never the case that it cannot be treated. But thorough care is needed to get rid of it entirely. On a serious note, the doctor might try the following to treat the fungus:
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Scraping or the surgery of toenails
- Topical ointments or nail lacquer
- Antifungal pill
- Hydrogen peroxide toenail fungus treatment
Topping the list, using hydrogen peroxide is a very effective way of treating toenail fungus. Among all the home remedies for treating a toenail fungus, hydrogen peroxide toenail fungus treatment is the most effective. It should be a part of every first aid box. The natural form of it is available from freshly squeezed lime or any citric juice. But an effective 3% hydrogen peroxide is available over the counter in any chemist shop.
It is to be noted that hydrogen peroxide toenail fungus treatment is not scientifically proven, however, is the most inexpensive and convenient home remedy, it is worth trying to get rid of the condition.
How does hydrogen peroxide toenail fungus treatment work?
Many might question what makes hydrogen peroxide toenail fungus treatment so effective? Foot fungus occurs and thrives in moist conditions, and they cannot survive when exposed to gases like oxygen. This is how the hydrogen peroxide toenail fungus treatment works. It gets the fungal area exposed to oxygen and disrupts the growth of fungi. This treatment is thus called the oxidative therapy and requires the toenails to be soaked in or exposed to 3% hydrogen peroxide several times in a day.
Another method is to mix hydrogen peroxide with vinegar in a 50:50 proportion and soak your feet in the solution. This mixture of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar can be applied with the help of a dropper on alternate days. After soaking in hydrogen peroxide, a dab of tea tree oil on the toenails may prove effective.
Instead of soaking the feet in dilute solution, the other way of being cured is by using a sprayer bottle to spray the solution only on the affected areas. This is the best way of using the solution, especially for those who have sensitive skin.
Hydrogen peroxide toenail fungus treatment- worth a try
One should remember that no medicine or remedy would show fast action. Every treatment requires a certain amount of time, and one should have the patience. The actual duration of the cure might depend on your exposure to dirt, germ, and moisture and the severity of the infection. It can take a minimum of 2 weeks to even two months.
The fungal infection on a toenail starts from the nailbed. The symptoms are quite visible, and hence treatments should be started at the earliest. Complications may arise as the fungal infection might spread to the nearby skin and between the fingers.As the hydrogen peroxide toenail fungus treatment is simple and easy, you can give a try. If it does not seem to work, may visit a doctor without delay.