All You Need To Know About UnitedHealthcare And The Dispute With Premier Health Network
There are 7 different UnitedHealth Medicare Supplemental Plans, each offering full coverage of the basic benefits in addition to certain extra coverage. The availability of these depends on the senior insured person’s place of residence.
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Supplement
- Plan A : Includes hospitalization coinsurance, hospital costs up to an additional 365 days after Original Medicare benefits are exhausted, Part A and Part B coinsurance and/or copayments, Part A hospice coinsurance or copayment, first three pints of blood.
- Plan B : Includes Plan A benefits, 100% coverage of Part A deductible.
- Plan C : Includes Plans A and B benefits, 100% Part A coinsurance for skilled nursing care, 100% Part B deductible, foreign travel emergency care up to plan limits.

AARP Medicare plans insured through UnitedHealthcare offer comprehensive plans for seniors. For enrolling in these plans, physical examinations are not a pre-requisite and plan coverages are not based on pre-existing health conditions.
The contract dispute between Premier Health Network and UnitedHealthcare has been resolved. UnitedHealthcare policyholders will continue to enjoy quality, affordable healthcare facilities with the newly formed multi-year relationship between the two partners. Effective Jan. 1, 2018, access to Premier Health Network’s physicians and medical facilities, along with Premier Health’s hospitals and other sites of service are restored.