Advantages of having an international driving permit
Every country has its rules and regulations for providing driving licenses to its citizens. One of them focuses on using this permit only within the confines of national boundaries. What do you do then, when you have to drive in foreign locations via hired transport, such as AAA car rentals? The solution is simple. Just obtain an international drivers permit (IDP).
Foreign travel does not come cheap; therefore, anyone going overseas strives to acquire membership of organizations that will provide travel assistance and other benefits. You must have one too, and what better establishment to link up with than with the American Automobile Association (AAA)!

Over 150 nations acknowledge and honor an IDP outside the country. It helps that this license is available in 10 foreign languages too. After all, it is not necessary that an alien AAA club offering an AAA rental car discount be well acquainted with the English language too. Please note that the relevant department in your own state must issue your IDP. Furthermore, it must be in alignment with the requisites determined by the U.N.
Travelers from North America, who are the major recipients of AAA discounts on car rentals, are lucky that the Department of State has granted a few genuine establishments the right to issue IDPs. You will gain one too, if you are a resident of the country and possess a valid driving license issued by your own state. This IDP remains effective for one year from the date of issuance. It is important that your local license remains active during this period too.