8 Effective Natural Remedies to Ward off Gout
Gout is something that affects a large number of the population. It is caused by the uric acid formation in the body. It can either be formed under a bone or beside it. It is a type of arthritis that occurs mainly in men and women over thirty years of age.
There are a number of natural cures and gout remedies that work well. So in case that you have gout, the first thing you need to do is to get rid of the excess amount of sugar you have been taking in your diet. That means that you have to get rid of that sugar dependency as a natural cure for gout, as sugar multiplies the yeast in the body.

Here are some gout remedies that work:
- Celery Seed Extract
Step one is to mix the celery seed extract and celery juice as a gout remedy which will work. Celery seed extract helps in diminishing the uric acid development in the body. There are a dozen anti-oxidants that are responsible for the effects of celery. These include the phenolic acid such as caffeic acid and ferulic acids. This makes celery helpful for treating an extensive variety of conditions that occur by aggravation:
There is no better treatment for gout than Epsom salt which will work when it comes to natural remedies to cure gout. The amount of magnesium, which is a basic mineral in Epsom salt, treats gout. Before taking a bath, just add one to two spoons of Epsom salt in your shower and dip your whole body or the affected joint, for no less than thirty minutes.
Another one of the gout remedies that work is dark cherry juice or cherry juice extracts. Treating gout is one of the many medical advantages of this fruit. Black cherry juice works as an anti-inflammatory agent and helps relieve the swelling.
Fish oil is yet one of the best gout remedies that work. Fish oil can diminish your hazard for gout since one of the medical advantages of fish oil is that it is stuffed with omega-3unsaturated fats that lessen infection-causing irritation in your body.
Our bodies consist majorly of water, and it is basically free. Drink a lot of it and flush the extra uric acid out of your body. Remaining hydrated is one of the best methods for preventing gout flares. Drink no less than eight glasses of water a day however it helps to drink at least twelve. Make sure that a water bottle is with you wherever you go. The amazing properties water has, makes it one of the gout remedies that work very efficiently.
One of the best gout remedies that work wonders is baking soda. Many add half a teaspoon in a glass of water. A lot of people repeat it at least three to four times a day in order to get rid of the gout problem. It helps bring down uric acid count as well as provide relief from the pain. Ensure that if you are consuming baking soda on a regular basis, try to limit your salt intake as baking soda is high in sodium. The greatest prescribed dose is four teaspoons for the entire the day.
The inflammatory agents present in ginger roots and turmeric can be the best gout remedies that work. The intake of these home remedies for gout will give you relief from pain and inflammation. You can smash and mix them both together and drink it in the form of tea. You can also include ginger root as well as turmeric in your food items as well. Some may also eat a little piece during the day. Others use it occasionally to diminish swelling by making a paste of ginger root with water and applying it to the swollen areas.
An extremely famous vitamin recommended by gout sufferers is vitamin C which makes it the most popular gout remedies that work efficiently. Various investigations have shown how vitamin C is successful in bringing down uric acid levels in your blood.
At last, ensure to rest your swollen joints when experiencing gout. Try not to put pressure on them so you can recover faster without hurting the other joints. Apply an ice pack a few times each day for around twenty to thirty minutes each time on the affected areas; this will help reduce the pain. Keeping your foot elevated additionally helps in pain relief and helps provide better circulation.