8 Effective Home Remedies for Heartburn
Heartburn is a common disorder, and most adults experience this now and then especially after a heavy meal. It is accompanied by an uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest that often radiates towards the throat. It is usually caused by acid reflux that occurs when the ring of muscle that allows food into your stomach relaxes. As a result, acid is formed that goes back up your esophagus from your stomach, which then causes the sensation of heartburn. It is believed that though it is possible to have reflux without heartburn, but it is not possible to have heartburn without reflux.

- Using a spoonful of baking soda
The first and foremost tip that works well as a home remedy for heartburn is the consumption of a spoonful of baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. The reflux and heartburn can be controlled by baking soda because it is a base substance and therefore neutralizes stomach acid. - Consumption of aloe juice
Aloe is a plant that is used to soothe burns.
Sugarfree gum chewed after meals provided relief from heartburn. This is because chewing gum stimulates the salivary glands, and increases the flow of saliva. This, in turn, washes away the acid accumulated in the gut. Being alkaline, saliva also helps neutralize stomach acids. As a result, any sort of acid that has gathered in the gut is diluted and eliminated quickly. The removal of acid helps alleviates the symptoms of acid reflux or occasional heartburn as well.
Heartburn tends to get worse at night, especially while lying down when you sleep. This happens because gravity works against you, and it’s easier for the digested contents of the stomach to move back into the esophagus, along with the acid. To get relief from this, try elevating your head about six inches when you sleep. This is a very effective home remedy for heartburn. You can also try putting a wedge-shaped pillow under your mattress, but don’t just pile up extra pillows as it’s easy to slip off them at night. Therefore, it is recommended not to lie down within 3-4 hours after eating, because lying down with a full stomach makes the undigested contents press harder against your lower esophageal sphincter.
Bananas contain natural antacids that can act as a buffer against acid reflux. Thus it proves to be a widely used home remedy for heartburn. So if you want to try it out, try eating one ripened banana every day. An apple, if taken a couple of hours before bedtime will help to relieve or prevent discomfort.
Gingerroot can help ease a number of stomach problems, starting from nausea to acid reflux and heartburn. Drinking a cup of fresh ginger tea about 20 minutes before lunch/dinner can help calm down the stomach, as it acts as an acid buffer. This is thus a readily available home remedy for heartburn, which is practiced by many.
Yellow mustard is another popular home remedy for heartburn as it helps to neutralize stomach acid. Mustard is an alkalizing food that is filled with minerals and comprises a weak acid in the form of vinegar. Consuming mustard directly might taste awful in the beginning, but it does work. Because of its alkaline properties, the mustard neutralizes the acid that may come creeping up to your throat.
Almonds are an effective home remedy for heartburn if taken after every meal, as a snack, or rather every time you eat something. Try to get hold of organic almonds if possible as they are more effective. These tasty nuts due to the alkalinity in them neutralize the acidic juices in your stomach, thus relieving and preventing instances of heartburn.
So next time you suffer from a burning sensation in your throat, chest or mouth, don’t fret. Try out these simple home remedies for fast and effective relief. But if the symptoms don’t go away, you should consult a doctor without delay.