7 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol
All of us want to lead a good and healthy life, but in reality, we do face health issues, and with growing age, these issues become more common. Although there are lots of life-threatening diseases that affect many lives, heart problems are the most common reasons people suffer from illnesses. A part of the reason why we face heart problems is our high cholesterol levels. In case you have a hereditary issue, the chances are higher that you will have to deal with a high level of cholesterol. However, for people with no family history of high cholesterol issue, can avoid this problem by taking care of their wellbeing as much as possible.

Food items to avoid
It is believed that following a balanced diet can cure any ailment in the body, as food has the power to retain our body mechanism with its natural elements. One of the most prominent and efficient cholesterol treatment options is eating healthily. According to experts, fatty foods have much cholesterol content in them, so it would be better for you to avoid all types of fats if you have a high cholesterol level.
Get the test done
Often, people forget to get their blood tests done, due to which they don’t end up taking the right medicines. It’s always important to get your tests done on time, including LDL and the HDL levels tests, and take the medications regularly, so that your health is not at risk. These tests results would further help you to go forward with your cholesterol treatment options, be it naturally or through allopathic medicines.
Exercise regularly
Another way of keeping oneself free of cholesterol is to follow an exercise regime regularly. Go for long walks, jog, and do freehand exercises. If your body permits, you can seek advice from your doctor and fitness trainer, and create a gym regime, as weight exercises can help you control your body weight and lower your cholesterol.
Sleep well
Another important cholesterol treatment option is to have a sound sleep. It’s important that you sleep in the dark (dim lights are fine; avoid bright lights) so that your body can repair on its own. According to health experts, a good sleep of seven to eight hours a day is a must for the human body to function properly. But, thanks to our modern lifestyles and smart gadgets, people find it difficult to even sleep for even three to four hours. If you have a good sleep, your body can heal on its own. That is the time when your body relaxes and balances all its functions, keeping the sugar level and the cholesterol level low.
Eat healthy
Follow a healthy and balanced diet, which should ideally include all vegetables, high-fiber foods, and food rich in Omega-3 content. These food items offer cholesterol treatment options, which consist of all the natural elements nature has gifted for our bodies to function better. Don’t miss out on the nuts, and also on the protein-rich foods like beans, and natural food with low fatty acid content.Include more greens (the darker the greens the better) and eggs (without the yolk).
Ask your doctor for supplements
You can also try different supplements as one of the cholesterol treatment options. Consult your health expert for chromium, biotin, lipoic acid, vitamin D3, glucomannan, red rice yeast and plants sterols—all in a balanced constraint. Do take the advice of your dietician, or doctor, from time to time, to avoid an overdose.
Know the side-effects of over-the-counter drugs
There are many over-the-counter medicines that doctors often recommend as cholesterol treatment options, but it’s important always to keep an eye on the side-effects as well. For example, Aspirin is a medicine that can help in lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases, remove blood clots, making the flow normal, etc. Doctors prescribe this medicine to people above the age of forty. Another strong medicine option is Statin. This helps in controlling or rather blocking the enzyme formation in your liver, which gives rise to high cholesterol levels in the body. The two medicines which contain statin are simvastatin and atorvastatin. They may have few side effects like a headache, constipation or even indigestion. So do take a proper doctor’s advice before taking any of these medicines.