5 places to look for used and refurbished Kindles
If you are bitten by the reading bug and electronic books are your thing, Kindle devices are for you. Kindle is a series of modern electronic book readers designed and sold by Amazon. The e-books offered cost significantly lesser than the hard copy edition of the books. Users can browse through the Amazon store and buy e-books. Apart from e-books, one can read newspapers and magazines as well. A Kindle has to be charged very rarely and all of your reading material will be at the tip of you fingers.
Though the Kindle is the first choice for any book lover in terms of electronic book readers, it can be a little expensive.

Difference between used and refurbished
The terms used and refurbished are used interchangeably on several occasions. However, they are not the same. The major difference is that refurbished items are professionally tested and repaired. Hence, they are mostly free of defects, a feature that cannot be guaranteed in a used product.
Where to find used or refurbished Kindle devices
Amazon offers deals for certified Kindle devices. The cost of refurbished Kindle devices can start from a modest price range of $69.99. The cost is mostly inclusive of the shipping and delivery charges.
This one is pretty obvious. Anything can be bought on Ebay but electronics do relatively better. You can find a wide range of previously owned and refurbished Kindles of all generations. The price can be expected to start from $44.98 with free shipping.
Walmart deals in the sale of refurbished Kindle electronics as well. You can expect the price to start from $70.
Free Kindle Apps
If you are trying e-book reading for the first time, this will be your best option. Amazon offers the Kindle app for book reading for free on most of the smartphone platforms. If you own a smartphone or a tablet, you can use this service. You can download the app for free, and the only expense you will have to make is for the actual books.
Amazon offers some free e-books as well, the ones which are in public domain. If you like the experience, go ahead and buy a Kindle. The books you have purchased on the app will synchronize to the device.