4 common treatments options of relapsed multiple myeloma
Cancer is a disease that can’t be treated without proper diagnosis and medical care. Cancer cells cause enormous damage to the body, which is irreversible. Recurrent multiple myeloma is a phenomenon when cancer returns after a period of remission. Multiple myeloma doesn’t have any cure, and it is true that patients will certainly relapse at some point; this is why recurrent myeloma is also known as relapsed multiple myeloma (RMM).
Scope of Treatment for Relapsed Multiple Myeloma
Multiple myeloma doesn’t have any treatment; however, decoding the DNA has enabled doctors to treat patients with relapsed myeloma. Depending upon the condition and the responsiveness of the patient, there are four ways that can be used for the treatment of RMM.

- DNA Alteration: DNA alteration treatment is used when it is considered that the patient is suffering from t (4, 14) disorder, which involves chromosome translocation. It has been clinically proven that patients with this form of RMM respond well when they are treated with a proteasome inhibitor.
- Progression Free Survival: If a patient has had a positive response to the prior treatments of cancer and the relapse has still occurred, it could be beneficial to opt for progression free survival. In this form of relapsed multiple myeloma treatment, it has been clinically demonstrated that patients with an intermediate risk respond positively if properly retreated.
Treating RMM is certainly a challenge, but if a patient is treated with good care and all the parameters such as age, health, genomic test results are taken into consideration, it can help in curing the relapse.