4 common LTL shipping mistakes to avoid
Less-than-truckload freight, also known as LTL freight, refers to the transportation of smaller packages and goods that do not fill the entire truck. It allows the transportation company to fill the remainder of their vehicle with shipments from other individuals. LTL freight shipping is cost-efficient and offers a lot of flexibility. That being said, it is a complex process where mistakes can occur. Here are some common LTL freight mistakes to avoid.
Not adding pallets to the freight
A pallet is a flat structure often used to stack goods when transporting them from one place to another. It provides support to the cargo, ensuring it remains undamaged.

Guessing the weight of the shipment
Guessing the weight of your shipment is another common LTL freight mistake. At times, many shippers estimate how heavy their cargo is. But, if this figure turns out incorrect, the transportation company will charge a fee to reweigh your packages.
Not opting for insurance
You may add pallets and use the proper packaging to protect your goods. But sometimes, damage cannot be avoided during a major accident. So, having insurance is vital. Unfortunately, many individuals skip insurance because they find it an unnecessary expense. It is a common LTL freight mistake. However, remember that the insurance provided by most carriers will not cover the entire amount if the cargo is damaged. In most cases, it covers only part of the damages, and you must bear the remaining losses. Also, any payout from the carrier is only made if the damage or loss results from their negligence or fault. In any case, it is always safer to protect your goods with insurance.
Using poor packaging materials
LTL freight shipping is a complex process. Goods are often unloaded and reloaded into different containers along the transportation route. Crates and pallets may also be changed during such times. As a result, the chances of the cargo being mishandled and damaged increases. The best way to minimize the damage is to ensure it is packaged correctly before shipping. Shipping containers and boxes come in different materials, each with varying structural stability and durability levels. And choosing the wrong materials or ignoring the packaging process is an LTL freight mistake that can prove costly.